
The Story Goes On

You’ve likely been too busy to notice..  A school year is racing to a conclusion. Summer days invite us to all kinds of family activities.  Soccer season is here. The lawn needs mowing. Who could be blamed for not noticing [...]

Go Deep!

When writing about the things that happen at Edmonton Christian Schools, it is sometimes a burden to try capture the full depth of the stories that happen as the school lives towards its mission.  But as I set out to [...]

Hope Sandwiches

Recently our teachers have been thinking about their deep hopes for the students that attend Edmonton Christian Schools.  Many of these hopes, in one way or another,  speak about our students being people who love God and love their neighbours. [...]

The Diviners

Mere existence is not really an option for the universe. God created it to flourish! If you’ve ever snorkelled above a healthy coral reef, seen the northern lights, watched a butterfly feed or stood on top of a mountain, you [...]

Chew On This

What I can do, I will do. A will-do attitude is a way of living God’s story in a broken world.  Because we believe it is still a God-with-us world,  Edmonton Christian Schools instils a will-do attitude in students.  But, [...]

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