You’ve likely been too busy to notice..  A school year is racing to a conclusion. Summer days invite us to all kinds of family activities.  Soccer season is here. The lawn needs mowing. Who could be blamed for not noticing that around the beginning of May, the stories on this blog stopped?  The pictures of engaged students and active classrooms ended. The celebration of students at Edmonton Christian Schools finding their places in God’s story were seemingly silenced.IMG_4695

Let’s set it straight right now.  The blog and other social media accounts may have stopped, but God’s story at Edmonton Christian Schools has continued.  A medical diagnosis silenced the author¹ of this blog, for a time,  but let there be no doubt:   God’s work cannot be silenced. Even the rocks would cry out …hosanna! (see Luke 19:40)

God’s story is so much bigger than all of us. At Edmonton Christian Schools there have been all kinds of stories that have gone untold since the beginning of May.  The word cloud below gives you some idea.

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With the end of a school year upon us, we hope that you will celebrate the stories, that God wrote through the students, staff, parents, alumni  grandparents and supporters of Edmonton Christian Schools. Those stories tell us who we are–a people of God created for love, created to live lives of renewal. That’s a story that is unstoppable!

May your summer be filled with grace and wonder!

¹Brian Doornenbal is currently on medical leave getting treatments for multiple myeloma which was discovered in early May.