Where is God? It is a question we have all asked ourselves at different moments in our lives.

This question has been the focus of a semester-long assignment in Biology 20. At the beginning of the semester, the students were challenged to keep their ears and eyes open, specifically in the course content, for places where they saw God. Students reflected regularly on this challenge and created a “Prezi” to organize their thoughts. Here are just a few of those thoughts, but to get a a sense for the content-rich depth of this work, you should check out at least one of the Prezis linked below.

Jacob’s full Prezi can be found HERE. (once there, use the arrows to advance the Prezi)

Janae’s full Prezi can be found HERE.



Noel’s full Prezi can be found HERE.
As one student concluded: “Wow… God’s power and creativity are truly undeniable.”
At Edmonton Christian Schools, as an academic year closes, we are thankful for the privilege of being awash in the grace of such a God!
Thanks to the students who allowed their work to be used here and to Bio 20 teacher, Mr. Brian Piers.