
Hand Up

We have all heard it said that when helping others we should “give a hand up, not a handout.”  While Jesus’ feeding of the masses,  his water-to-wine miracles and  the no strings attached healing provide examples of grace-filled handouts that [...]

Icing on the Cake!

My mom’s mocha cake was special, not just because it was sooo delicious, but also because she only made it on very special occasions, such as my dad’s birthday.  When that cake was brought to the table and the candles [...]

Hope Sandwiches

Recently our teachers have been thinking about their deep hopes for the students that attend Edmonton Christian Schools.  Many of these hopes, in one way or another,  speak about our students being people who love God and love their neighbours. [...]

One Candle

“One candle can light a thousand and is in no way diminished--but actually resurrects in a thousand ways.”  Ann Voskamp,  The Broken Way, Zondervan Press,  2016 One candle.  That’s what would have been on the cake at Willem Kees Huig [...]

Chew On This

What I can do, I will do. A will-do attitude is a way of living God’s story in a broken world.  Because we believe it is still a God-with-us world,  Edmonton Christian Schools instils a will-do attitude in students.  But, [...]

Gifts in a Garden

More than one televison show  or movie has made us chuckle at a character who often takes things literally.  Someone says to that character, “Hop to it,” and we laugh (or groan) as they leave the room, hopping like a [...]

Throwing Pasta

Is it true that you can test whether your pasta is cooked by throwing it against the wall to see if it sticks?  If it is, then it sounds just a bit like teaching (and parenting).  We toss things out [...]