Here’s your earworm of the day:
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town.
Wheels on Edmonton Christian School buses have been going round and round this town and the surrounding countryside for many many years, but after lengthy and challenging discussions, the ESCE Board made a decision to have Edmonton Public Schools take over the city routes. While this change will bring efficiencies to the system and will save a substantial amount of money, it will also mean that with sadness and with gratitude for the dedication shown, we say goodbye to some faithful bus drivers. As Peter Busiman wrote in his report to the ESCE Annual Meeting, “This decision was a difficult one and didn’t come lightly. One big reason for this was that we have working for us, bus drivers who are very committed to being the best drivers they can be. Our students could count on them for so much.”

Bus Drivers, other ESCE Employees and Board Reps gather for a lunch celebrating the contributions of the drivers.
Our deep thanks and heartfelt wishes for future blessings to:
Annette DeHaan (29 years of driving!!), Carolin Visscher (8 years of driving), Cynthia Krikke (7 years of driving), Carol Boonstra (6 years of driving), Kathryn DeBree (3 years of driving), John Klooster (2 years of driving), George DeHaan (4+ years as spare driver), and Marcy Ward (2 years as spare driver).

Annette DeHaan has been a ESCE driver for 29 years! An incredible contribution to our schools!
Astrid Potvin (28 years of driving), Linda Hale (23 years of driving), and Annette Moes (14 years of driving) will continue to drive rural routes and field trips. (Transportation Coordinator Edith Houtstra will also drive field trips).
As Wheels on the Bus plays in your head this day, let it remind you to say a prayer of thanks for these people who have played their role in God’s story at Edmonton Christian.
by Brian Doornenbal
Please remember to thank these people during these last weeks of school, OR if you would like to send a note of thanks, a blessing or a memory to one of our drivers, email it to and it will be shared with the driver.